Images © Ori Toor

Bizarre and intricate illustrations by Ori Toor created out of a stream of consciousness

Bizzare and intricate illustrations by Ori Toor created out of a stream of consciousness

Illustration artist Ori Toor works in a stream of consciousness to create his personal series of ongoing works titled ‘Gibberish.’ Based in Tel Aviv Israel, Toor is an illustration artist who has worked for brands like Apple, Adobe, Cartoon network and more. His personal works feature large complex scenes full of smaller drawings all coming together for one image to explore. These works are still inspired heavily by his work in newspapers and magazines, and he even quotes sources of inspiration from operating systems and data design.

Ori’s creative process is what is known as a “stream of consciousness.” This type of workflow is what happens when you focus on the task at hand without so many rules, it’s more of a free flow of ideas. Starting with a blank canvas in photoshop Ori starts to draw. Drawing anything from low-poly-type animals and humans, rockets traveling through space, and even dancing fogs. With so many tiny details it’s hard to fully grasp each work without getting lost in the world Toor has constructed. 

“Most of these are fantasies or wishful thinking. It’s a life without worries, it’s cosiness. Sometimes darker things come out – after all it’s all improvised, so if I’m having a bad days there’s always a chance some evil will find it’s way in. Sometimes I only realise what it’s about a few days after it’s done.” – Ori Toor (Via Itsthatnice)

Sources: The artist website.

Follow Ori on Instagram here, and view his works on Behance here.

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Images © Ori Toor