Landscapes and geometric drone paths by photographer Reuben Wu

Landscapes and geometric drone paths by photographer Reuben wu

Reuben Wu, a Chicago-based photographer brings a refreshingly innovative and technologically clever twist to landscape photography with his most recent project titled “light storm”. “Light storm” is a photography project focused on the natural beauty of Wu’s surrounding environment as well as using artificial light to accentuate the many geographical features of any given habitat around the world. 

Wu has traveled across many continents in order to capture his photographs. But this project has led him to the rocky regions of Utah and New Mexico. His photographs look akin to photos of mars. With its rocky and sandy terrain as well as its deep reddish coloring. His lighting effects usually perform a cylindrical shape giving the photos an appearance of a looming ufo, bringing forth a sense of uncharted exploration and discovery of an undetermined phenomenon. Wu describes this feeling of unparalleled discovery in the following quote,  “the project is about presenting familiar sights in a new and unfamiliar light, renewing your sense of seeing and the experience of discovery.” (via

Wu’s photographs represent the way he is able to create a moment unlike any other by directing the environment to conform to his artistic vision. He explains this process in the following quote. “Instead of the old photographers’ adage of waiting for the right moment, I’m literally creating it from my position behind the camera. “It also allows me to have more creative ownership over a photograph of a landscape. Something I’ve been struggling with as a photographer/artist is the idea that a beautiful landscape is doing all the work for me, so this was an opportunity to finally have more artistic control.” (via

Wu’s unique artistic perspective provides the onlooker with a world full of imagination and endless possibilities allowing oneself to project anything they want.  Wu’s art is completely unique and overtly playful. Wu’s art is as skillful as it is moldable. Wu’s art is something of another world. 


Visit Reuben Wu’s website here and Instagram here.

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