The surreal paintings of suburban America by Alex Roulette

The surreal paintings of suburban America by Alex Roulette

Through the painting of Alex Roulette, we can visit the past of suburban America with a slice of fictional surrealism. Alex was born in Columbus Ohio but now resides in Brooklyn. For Roulette dreams and memories play a big role within his works. As much as we would like to believe every memory we have, the truth is the human mind is not perfect and often memories become fragments of what they used to be. Roulette’s simple and beautiful landscape paintings of suburban American life explore this concept by blending other memories in creating these magical images of flying cars, and other normal objects completely out of place.

In a statement on Rouletts website about his exhibition “MEMORY MOVING SIDEWAYS,” this is what he had to say about his works. “I think back to moments traveling when time felt endless. Days spent on trains and buses, looking through windows to get a glimpse of the countless unknown places passing by. Each one containing worlds which I will never set foot in, nevertheless my imagination allows stories to form against these backdrops. Memories arrive without choice and blur the past with the present. The train will inevitably pull into its final destination in the dark. Waking the next morning in a fog surrounded by unfamiliar sights and smells. A sense of mystery is provoked by the unknown and unseen.”

You can visit Alex Roulette’s website here.

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