Circle Circle Math Photoshop artwork Distortion

Circle Circle Math, Beautiful Distortion

Circle Circle Math, Beautiful Distortion

Beginning back in 2016 the graphic designer known as Circle Circle Math set out to make a new artwork each day for a year. This is a common practice for people looking to expand there knowledge and skill. What better way to do so then by forcing yourself to create something unique each day. If you work on art each day you will get tired of the same thing fast and quickly seek out new ways to convey your meanings and visions. Circle Circle Math is a great example of this.

His work in the start was not bad by any means. But it is completely different from the work he is releasing today. He began with simple illustrations that convey powerful meanings. Such as topics like heartbreak, our dependence on social media and the race against the clock. Some of his early work was black and white while others were full of interesting bright colors.

After this, we start to see his first use of distortion in his art. He started by using it in his poster like artworks that consist of mountains, and city skylines. Today he has turned his focus on distorting the faces of models. And Instagram art accounts are eating it up. Its fresh, it’s colorful and it’s simple. By using this simple approach he has created art that is easy for the viewer to take in. Each image is pleasant to look at and can create a relaxing mood for whoever is observing the work.

Below we will showcase his current work and then some of his older works of art. You can view more of his work on his Instagram.