“The Fleur” a collection of 21 digital flower creations by Ondrej Zunka
In his latest collection titled “The Fleur” Ondrej Zunka creates 21 unique surreal flower renders. Ondrej is a...
“My Garden Drops” By Revolue with The Soda Factory (NFT DROP)
Revolue is an artist we have been working with since day one (previously mentioned) who has always been...
Fine art meets NFTs with The Soda Factory
Fine art meets NFTs with The Soda Factory If I were to do an article about NFTs just...
Scavenger of the Art Movement – Curator pick of NFTs
Scavenger of the Art Movement – Curator pick of NFTs Date 10/1/21 “Myartisreal means all art is real...
Solitude and Ethery Land – Curators Daily Pick of NFTs
Solitude and Ethery Land – Curators Daily Pick of NFTs Date: 9/26/21 “Myartisreal means all art is real...
Revolue releases two NFTs in’s project “Portion street x Pop art”
Revolue releases two NFTs in’s project “Portion street x Pop art”’s current project “Portion street x...