In his latest collection titled “The Fleur” Ondrej Zunka creates 21 unique surreal flower renders. Ondrej is a digital artist who we interviewed a year ago in April which you can read here. In his latest series which was released just in time for spring, Zunka explores flowers from his unique point of view.
Each work is flourishing with Ondrejs style combining surrealism and the natural world all within a digital canvas while still presenting them with a more contemporary still-life apparach. “I’ve created an encyclopedia of strange flowers. Some of them are cute and some are toxic. Some want to touch you, others smell so good and one even make sounds. Some need protection and others will eat you. They kind of took on personalities over time.” said Zunka in a recent Instagram caption.
All 21 flowers were minted onto the blockchain and released for auction on the 21st of March. You can view the entire collection on his website here or try and get your digital hands on one on opensea.
Images © Ondrej Zunka
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