Images © Steeven Salvat

Elaborate and magical drawings by Steeven Salvat

Elaborate and magical drawings by Steeven Salvat

Steeven Salvat spends a pain-stacking amount of hours on each work of art he creates to provide a truly magical image. Salvat’s medium of choice is drawings and uses a hatching technique with black ink and Rotring pens. This technique provides the works with great details and shadows but requires much time and attention to detail, but Salvat doesn’t seem to mind either. 

His works focus on blending nature and man-made ornate machines. We see a beetle with clocks and gears covered in ornate armor while its wings appear to be stain glass. In another set of imaginative drawings, we see various sea creatures depicted as half machines. 

Salvat not only makes sure to use more muted colors but ages the papers to appear much older than they are. He achieves this aged look soaking the pages he draws on in black tea. With this aged look and his constant used o 18th-century engraving style, his works feel as if you could have found them tucked away in a research book from the 18 hundreds. 

You can view a selection of works below and also follow Steeven on Instagram here.

Source: The artist website.

Images © Steeven Salvat

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