Immersive Design By Alexis Christodoulou 3D

Immersive Design By Alexis Christodoulou

Self-taught 3D artist, Alexis Christodoulou is creating imaginary architectural spaces for your viewing pleasure. Residing in Cape Town, South Africa, he has spent the last decade working as a copywriter while learning 3D rendering on the side. This project grew out of his love for digital worlds in video games. Games he felt lacked in the modern design of architecture.

The worlds Christodoulou designs are stunning and immersive. In his work, you will often see rooms built around rocky landscapes. You will also notice his constant use of pools of water. His works have a sense of calmness to them. I know we are not the only ones that could picture ourselves relaxing and meditating for days in these breathtaking oases. And his attention to detail when it comes to the landscape and the fabrics are what really gives each image that extra feel of immersion.

Immersive Design By Alexis Christodoulou

Immersive Design By Alexis Christodoulou


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